Exenteration, also known as complete evisceration, is a surgical procedure performed in cases of aggressive intraocular or eyelid tumors or when there is extensive invasion of orbital tissues.

During exenteration, an experienced ophthalmologist makes a wide incision around the eye and proceeds to remove the orbital contents of the patient. This may include the eye, ocular muscles, fatty tissues, nerves, lacrimal glands, and other structures occupying the eye socket. The main objective of this extraction is to completely or partially remove the tumor and prevent its spread to other parts of the body.

Exenteration is performed under general anesthesia to ensure the comfort and sedation of the patient during the procedure. Depending on the extent of the tumor and the complexity of the surgery, various surgical approaches may be required. This can include incisions to the skin of the periorbital region, as well as access to the orbit to extract the tumoral content and affected structures.

After exenteration, the medical team may consider reconstructing the orbital cavity. This can be achieved using different techniques and materials, such as prostheses or implants, with the aim of restoring the appearance and functionality of the eye region as much as possible.

Benefits of Exenteration

Although exenteration is a complex and delicate procedure, it can offer several benefits to patients suffering from aggressive tumors in the ocular area:

  1. Tumor Removal: The main goal of exenteration is to completely eliminate the tumor, thereby preventing its spread to other parts of the body and improving the patient’s prognosis.
  2. Pain and Discomfort Relief: In some cases, exenteration can relieve significant pain and discomfort associated with an aggressive ocular tumor.
  3. Improved Quality of Life: Overall, exenteration can contribute to a notable improvement in the quality of life of patients, allowing them to face the illness in a more satisfactory manner.

It is important to note that exenteration is a major surgical procedure that requires thorough pre-operative evaluation and planning by a qualified ophthalmologist and a multidisciplinary medical team. Our team of specialized ophthalmologists at Oftalis is available to assess your case and advise you on the most appropriate treatment options for your ocular condition. Please feel free to contact us to schedule an informational appointment.