This opacity, commonly referred to by patients as the need to “clean the lens,” can occur sometime after surgery and affect the patient’s vision, leading to a decrease in visual acuity.

During the capsulotomy, a YAG laser is used to create an opening in the central area of the cloudy capsule. This type of laser emits intense light pulses that are precisely directed at the capsule. Through these pulses, a small and precise hole is created, allowing for the restoration of the capsule’s transparency and improvement of the patient’s vision.

Benefits of Capsulotomy:

  • Restoration of Clear Vision: Eliminates the opacity of the capsule, allowing light to reach the retina without distortion and recovering sharp vision.
  • Quick and Painless Procedure: This procedure is performed in the doctor’s office and does not require surgery. It is fast and painless, as topical anesthesia in the form of drops is used.
  • Rapid Visual Recovery: In most cases, patients experience immediate improvement in vision after capsulotomy. Full visual recovery typically takes only a few days.
  • Safe Procedure: Capsulotomy is a safe and effective procedure that has been successfully performed on millions of patients worldwide.

If you experience blurry or decreased vision after cataract surgery, it is important to consult your ophthalmologist. The specialist will conduct a comprehensive eye examination to determine if the cause of your blurred vision is a posterior capsule opacity and whether you need a capsulotomy.