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Quality Policy

The activity that the Institut d’Oftalmologia S.L.P considers in compliance with the quality required by the ISO 9001:2015 International Standard is:

Provision of diagnostic, treatment, and ophthalmic surgery services.

Our Quality Policy is based on the following principles:

  • Maximize patient/client satisfaction. We strive to understand and exceed their expectations.
  • Provide humane, efficient, and personalized care to patients.
  • Maintain the most advanced technology at our disposal.
  • Employ highly qualified personnel who, by leveraging technological improvements, enable us to ensure accurate diagnoses and effective treatments.
  • Encourage continuous training and development of our staff, ensuring they are up to date with the latest ophthalmic techniques and procedures.
  • Foster a conducive work environment that promotes motivation and satisfaction among the staff.
  • Ensure compliance with current legal regulations and applicable standards related to our ophthalmic practice.
  • Monitor the level of services provided and patient satisfaction.
  • Commit to environmental sustainability by taking measures to minimize the environmental impact of our activities.
  • Strive for continuous improvement by setting quality objectives and evaluating them, and applying necessary corrective actions.

This Quality Policy serves as a fundamental framework for all activities at the Institut d’Oftalmologia S.L.P. It is the responsibility of all team members to adhere to these principles and contribute to achieving these quality principles for the benefit of our patients. In this regard, management provides and will continue to provide all the necessary human, technical, and economic resources to achieve the objectives and goals set periodically.

Management makes this policy accessible and available to patients, employees, and other interested parties.

This policy is kept up to date through periodic reviews, coinciding with the management reviews of the management system, to take into account changes in the environment and the information received.

Enric Ayats

Girona, September 21, 2023
Edition 1

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